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Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Educating labor In Berl Katznelson's writings

Educating labor In Berl Katznelson's writings

"Education" is one of the most common expressions in Berl Katznelson's language. Like "Culture", he uses it next to another word. The expression that he usually uses is "educating labor", or "fertile and educating labor". It seems that Berl perceives the whole revival project of the Jewish nation, to its full extent, in spirit and in material, as a certain way of educating the individual and educating the people. There is no doubt that in his world view, even before he made aliyah, education had an important role. His letters to his brother and sister included many terms related to education and a clear educational attitude.

The Socialist-Zionism, according to the Israeli version of "constructive socialism", was essentially related to an educating world view. This version of socialism did not try to build power in order to overthrow an existing regime by a class struggle - nor did it expect and look forward to the formation of a militant avant-garde that will reach political strength in order to conquer an existing government: This version of Israeli socialism wasn't meant for that, not in these days of the chalutzic labor movement.
The roles [that it took] in building a country, developing economy, regaining the national language and adapting suitable work habits and lifestyle, are led by an educational conception.
In other words, education is the main tool of the social-national revolution.

What is the meaning of the expression "educating labor" according to Berl? What values are included in it? It seems that the first basic idea about labor that is expressed by Berl is encouraging habits that are considered "manual skills". These habits are physical and mental at the same time and are involved with a long process of training (hachshara) and self education.
However, labor is education also in the sense that it necessarily compels creativity. "Creative labor" is the opposite of automatic labor, which stupefies the heart. And it is definitely opposite to Sisyphean labor, which is humiliating and enslaving.
It is also educating in the sense that a person can express his personality in it while working, and relate to it as a spiritual creature.

Translated from: The Jewish profile of Berl Katznelson / Avraham tzivion
Pages 224-227

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