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Friday, 13 February 2009

Merkaz Holit 2008


"Searching after utopias, realizing dreams and fulfilling hopes are the belief in a world that is less evil, less ugly, less authoritarian, a world that is more democratic and more human."
Paulo Freire

Vision of Hashomer Hatzair inVeida Holit, May 2008:
To create alternative communities in Israel and in the Jewish Diaspora which are connected to the values of secular humanistic Judaism
to solidary economy
to ecological preservation
and to the values of a just and equal Jewish state.

 The Educational challenge:
1. Deepening the commitment to the vision of establishing alternative communities in Israel and the world – "Bogrim community" of Hashomer Hatzair movement.
2. Strengthening the relationship of Hashomer Hatzair Bogrim with the state of Israel.
3. Activity towards a just, ecological and equal state of Israel.
4. Training the leadership of Hashomer Hatzair to act as agents of change in Israel and in the communities.
5. Encouraging Shomeric Aliyah in order to establish alternative communities in Israel.

 The regional district of Kibbutz Holit:
The center is being established in the heart of the rural periphery in the north western Negev, in the regional municipality Eshkol. There are diverse forms of settlement in the municipality (communal and privatized Kibbutzim, Moshavim (agricultural villages), community centers) as well as a diverse population also including olim who have made Aliyah years ago and members of the youth movements in the past.

 Kibbutz Holit:
The young kibbutz counts 25 members living a communal lifestyle based on the principles of a sharing community.

 The mission:
The Negev area in general, and particularly the area around Gaza are a central challenge of settlement and of modern day Zionism and according to the view of Hashomer Hatzair, should stand at the top of the national set of priorities.
Our mission is to strengthen and settlement in Holit with the concept of creating a Shomeric Bogrim community in this place.
Holit educational center program:

 67 teenagers aged 18-22 from Hashomer Hatzair movement will participate in the program. Division of participants by countries:
- North America:
- Europe:
- Central America:
- South America:
- Australia:
 Structure of the classes in the center:
- The program is composed of academic courses, pedagogical fields, elective activities (chugim), cultural events, social activities, tours and projects.
- The academic program is composed of 5 courses in Sapir College, 4 "alternative society" courses and Hebrew classes.

 Weekly schedule of classes in Holit educational center:
Sunday: 8am - 9pm. Classes, group dynamics, elective activities, and evening with madrichim.
Monday: 8am - 9pm. Classes, chavura time, elective activities and dance night.
Tuesday: 8am - 9pm. educational tours and Israeli movement evening.
Wednesday: 8am - 9pm. Classes and education circle (maagal chinuch).
Thursday: 7am - 3pm. work on project in Holit.
Friday: rest and toranut
Saturday: rest

 Study classes:
There are 3 study classes in different sizes in the educational center in Holit. All of them have heating and air conditioning. The classes have been designed for a maximum of 45 students in a lesson. In average, every course will include 25-35 participants.

 Rosh Chavura:
On the first day of the program chanichim will meet their Rosh chavura. The rosh chavura will accompany the group for the duration of the program and will be the address for academic issues as well as personal questions.
Chanichim will be divided to 3 groups according to language: English speakers, Spanish speakers and Portuguese speakers. The chavura will meet once a week for activities on matters of Hadracha, education and Israeli news.

 Madrichim:
Will be in charge of:
 Accompanying and executing the educational program.
 Accompanying the chanichim's activity.
 Initiating special activities (such as cultural evenings, projects.
 Creating personal connections with chanichim.
 Actively participating in Madrichim forum meetings.
 Actively participating in tours, trips and seminars.

The madrichim will accompany the group throughout the studying program in Holit, during work in the project, during work on the kibbutz, in the educational tours, and will address any personal or physical problems. once a week, madrichim will run evening activities on subjects of culture, society and social interaction.

 Medical Consulting:
Each one of the participants on the program is insured in the insurance company FEMI. In addition to the services offered by this company all over Israel, they also operate a daily medical consulting service under the responsibility of FEMI doctors.
Any health problem should be reported to the madrichim. They will contact the doctor who will determine the continuation of the treatment. The FEMI medical insurance will serve the participants for the entire duration in Holit and so the insurance card should be well kept in an accessible place at all times.

 Food:
The dining hall is one of the central meeting spaces for participants of the program with members of the kibbutz. Since the place is public and communal, it is important to respect it, as well as the times of meals and he madrichim's instructions regarding behavior in this place.

 Residence:
On arrival, each participant will receive a bedroom equipped with all that is needed for a pleasant stay. Each room will be shared by 4 participants. Each room will have a bathroom and a small kitchen.
It is the obligation of the participants to return the rooms and the equipment in a good condition (blankets, sheets, pillows etc.).
In the case of damage to the room or loss of equipment, members of the room will be required to cover the costs.

 Cleaning and Laundry:
Cleaning the rooms is the responsibility of the chanichim.
Laundry - it will be possible to wash clothes once a week on the kibbutz.

 Computers:
There is a computer room in the purple house for using personal electronic mail.

 Valuable Belongings:
For the security of the participants, passports and flight tickets will be kept in the movement's vault. It is recommended not to leave valuables such as money or jewelry in the rooms. Participants will be able to leave valuable objects in the movement's vault.

 Visa:
When entering Israel the participants will receive a 3 month visa. The administrative department of the program will expand its validity for 10 months.
Attention: If a participant leaves Israel during the program (with parents' approval) he/she will lose their visa's validity and it will be their own responsibility to renew it in the ministry of the interior for the rest of the program.

 Security instruction:
For the sake of everyone's security the following instructions must be respected throughout the entire time of the stay in Israel.
1. Exiting the kibbutz grounds is prohibited at all times (fields, orchard, grove)
2. Before leaving the kibbutz on weekends or holidays, participants must leave with their madrich a phone number where they can be reached.
3. Receiving letters or packages from unknown senders is prohibited.
4. Strangers are not allowed into the defined area of the program.
5. It is strictly prohibited to touch or come near suspicious objects that were left or forgotten anywhere. In case this happens, security forces must be informed (soldiers, police), and other civilians' attention should be drawn.
6. It is strictly prohibited to hitchhike in any case, even if the license plates are Israeli.
7. When traveling independently around Israel we ask to inform madrichim. You should know that there are some places that are forbidden for security reasons. Before any trip the destination should be checked.

 Behavior norms:
The fundamental principal of Hashomer Hatzair is respecting all humans- whether they are from a different movement or culture, speak a different language, or are of the other sex.
Violent or intolerant attitude is not part of the norms of Hashomer Hatzair, therefore there will be no physical or verbal violence in the program.
Respecting others is expressed by respecting other's privacy, and the right not to tolerate noise and shouting after a certain time.
We believe that bogrim/ot of Hashomer Hatzair have the ability of limiting themselves with drinking habits, and therefore are expected to control themselves and act maturely.
Intoxication is strictly prohibited throughout the duration of the program, thusly we must inform you: Any damage caused as a result of intoxication is not covered by any insurance including health insurance.

For your information: A chanich that will not act by state laws will be sent home immediately.
The program follows the laws of the state of Israel that apply:
 Drug usage
 Physical violence
 Theft
 Damaging property

Violation of program rules will be treated by its coordinators. The coordinators are the senior authority and will determine the internal rules and norms.

 The coordinating staff:
Program coordinator - Jaime Fucs-Bar
Administrative coordinator – Ali Warvof
Rosh Chavura for Spanish and Portuguese speakers– Dario Teitelbaum
Rosh Chavura for English speakers– Oren Zukierkorn
Educational guidance – David Windholtz
Treasurer – Herman Richter
Madrichim for Spanish and Portuguese speakers – Shamila, Yoni
Madrich for English speakers – Oren

 The profile of a chanich/a of Hashomer Hatzair for participation in the educational center:
 Commitment to the manner and worldview of Hashomer Hatzair
 Commitment to voluntarily work in Hashomer Hatzair back home at the end of the program.
 Chanichim are required to be self-commanded and to act maturely.
 Willingness and motivation to live with a kvutza and act positively.
 Ability and obligation to intensively study throughout the entire program academically and experientially.
 Willingness to learn to speak Hebrew.
 Viewing participation in the educational center as a way to actualize the vision of Hashomer Hatzair.

Chazak Ve'Ematz

The staff of the Hashomer Hatzair educational center in Holit

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